<四时比邻> 源自于艺术家曹雨西对数字概念领域印象主义的痴迷。他认为,人类作为不断进化的生物,正在进入一个新的未知领域,现代人的视觉感知范围是基于数字像素的,这将我们的感知转化为数字印象,并产生新印象主义概念。所以他想创作出一幅富有生命力的印象派画作,让体验者能重新去思考我们生活的这个新印象派数字艺术世界。
‘Seasonal Proximities’ is an immersive new media art installation created by Cao Yuxi Studio in 2021. It began with Yuxi’s obsession with impressionism in the digital concept area. He thinks that we, as constantly evolving creatures, are now entering a new, uncharted area where our main visual scope is based on pixels. Our perception of everything has mutated into a digital impression in our minds. He believes this shifting proximity to the real and natural world represents a new impressionism concept. Therefore, he wants to create dynamic impressionistic paintings that can drive his audience to reconsider this new digital art world of impressionism in which we are living.